environmental humiture 温湿度
Humiture sensor 温湿度传感器
Especially Humiture Survey 尤其温湿度测量
HMP45D humiture sensor HMP45D温湿度传感器
Humiture change rate 温湿度变化率
temperature and humiture datum 温湿度基数
temperature and humiture datu 温湿度基数
humiture inspect system 温湿度检测系统
humiture observation and control system 温湿度测控系统[1]
1.Tensile strength decreased, while the tensile break extension percentage increased first and then decreased, flexural properties was not sensible to the changing humiture.
2.Sensor devices: driver and application software development of sensor devices such as magnetic, humiture, acceleration and other kinds, as well as the technical support for customers in China.
3.This paper introduced the system's hardware schematics and the humiture data acquisition methods, and a more detailed analysis of wireless communication protocol and USB firmware design method.